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Loya is a loyalty rewards dApp that helps small businesses reward and build stronger relationships with their best customers. Built on Optimism, Base and Zora, Loya acts as a rewards layer between customers and merchants that can be used without any prior experience with crypto.


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Project Description

Loya can be used on any device and allows merchants to create and manage peer-to-peer loyalty reward programs. Customers join loyalty programs by simply scanning a QR code and signing into the app with any Web2 login or EVM-compatible wallet. Through Loya’s dApp interface, users can track their rewards, participate in different programs, and earn badges and coupons that can be redeemed for rewards.

While many forms of traditional loyalty point systems exist, modern solutions are often cost-prohibitive or too complex for smaller merchants to implement, require a third-party intermediary and force customers to create profiles while handing over their personal data. We believe that Loya offers a better solution for both customers and merchants by acting as a peer-to-peer rewards layer.

Democratize loyalty points: Loya can be set up and used by anyone on any device. By leveraging the Optimism Stack businesses can use Loya without any recurring subscription or maintenance fees

Enhance customer experiences: Loya offers customers a transparent and secure way to redeem and earn rewards while helping merchants build stronger relationships with their best customers

Preserve customer privacy: Loya allows users to choose what personal data is shared through their profile while removing the need for small businesses or intermediaries to handle and maintain customer data

Make it easy and fun! Loya makes it seamless for customers and vendors to leverage the benefits of Web3 without any prior experience with crypto.

How it's Made

By leveraging Web3Auth users can access Loya through any Web2 login or EVM-compatible address. Through Safe's account creation SDK client accounts can be created without needing an existing crypto wallet and to process gasses transaction.

Using Loya’s interface, each business creates its own ERC 721 contract via the factory while determining requirements for the loyalty program and redemption offer. When a user joins a program, a loyalty rewards card NFT is minted by the contract and linked to a newly generated ERC 6551 account.

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