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Loomy Tunes

Effortlessly oversee and transfer assets between various addresses, ensuring your financial portfolio remains organized and optimized.

Loomy Tunes

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Project Description

This projects aims to solve a problem for people who handle multiple wallets, and many tokens in them, both erc20s and erc721s. Giving an overview of the assets and the means of handling them in a unified view ensures the confidence which is often lacking in the world of web3. For hosting and connecting to the web3 ecosystem we use nextjs, viem, wagmi, alchemySDK. For styling tailwindcss and material-tailwind.

How it's Made

This project at the moment is frontend only, as it leverages the underlying ecosystem of the protocols related to the tokens in hand. In the future we are planning to integrate Safe for creating multi-sig wallets right from the application, and also some custom smart contracts for better UX when migrating between wallets.

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