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Real time DCA'ing into leveraged positions using SuperFluid, Uniswap and aave. DCA by constantly streaming USDC into a contract and periodically receive tokens representing your leveraged positions, which can be burnt and used to sell the leveraged position.


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of


🥇 Uniswap Grants Program — Most Innovative


🚀 Optimism — Just Deploy!


🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

LiquiFluid combines SuperFluid with Uniswap and Aave to stream, swap, and borrow desired currencies to DCA into leveraged positions. USDCx is streamed into the smart contract by users - periodically this is used to create a leveraged position using Aave. The swapped asset (LINK) will be used as collateral in Aave to borrow USDC and create a leveraged position. For every LINK inputted, a single levLINKx will be distributed to the users using a SuperFluid IDA. This could then be withdrawn in a single transaction or streamed back out, by interacting with the contract which will burn the levLINKx and withdraw equivalent USDC. The front-end is deployed on scaffold-eth using ethers.js to interact with the smart contract by starting streams into the contract or requesting withdrawals.

How it's Made

A scaffold-eth web app can be used to interact with a smart contract by interacting with the desired wallet through WalletConnect. The wallet is then set up a stream of USDCx via a SuperFluidCFA into the smart contract. When USDCx is streamed in the tokens are accumulated by the contract. Periodically, the contract is called to move the USDCx into a leveraged position. This is done by exchanging the tokens for the desired currency such as WETH using Uniswap. Next, the tokens are deposited into Aave. They are then borrowed against at a rate of 30%. Now a leveraged position has been created, SuperFluid Pure Super Tokens called levWETHx are minted at a 1:1 rate with the WETH that is originally deposited. This levWETHx is then distributed to the shareholders based on their streaming rate using a SuperFluid IDA. The levWETHx tokens can then be returned to the contract to sell an equal amount of the position and return the 30% borrowed tokens also.

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