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Linea delegations

Linea safe delegation using Metamask delegation Toolkit deployed on linea sepolia

Linea delegations

Created At

ETHGlobal Bangkok

Winner of

Blockscout - Blockscout Explorer Big Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Currently the wallet delegations are not safe, the delegation has full control of your funds/tokens, with ERC-4337 this can change enabling user operations, bundlers, entry point contract and the paymaster.

It works by creating a delegation with caveats which restrict the operations can be done in the smart account’s behalf.

My idea was to make a no code solution which drag and drop blocks to easily create and retrieve safe delegations in Linea using Metamask Delegation Toolkit.

How it's Made

Admins create a delegation Then Select and configure the preconfigured delegations with the required fields on each one. Then the delegation can be deployed and authorized by the user. Then the delegation can be redeemed as per the caveats that were selected in step 2. This completes the cycle.

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