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The first unofficial open-hardware FireFly hardware wallet operating system


Created At

ETHGlobal Brussels

Winner of

Blockscout - Best use of Blockscout Block Explorer

Prize Pool

Project Description

The FireFly is an open-hardware device made by RicMoo (Lead Developer of Ethers.js), LightBug aims to provide a early proof-of-concept firmware and browser extension to provide a minimum viable evm-wallet experience.

It allows anyone (with the extension installed) to use their favourite dApps while their FireFly is plugged in. It also requires the basic entry of the users pincode in order to unlock the device.

How it's Made

It all starts with the base FireFly open-hardware device (you can find more about it at The firmware is written in Rust using esp-idf, display drivers, and a whole lot of magic. The browser extension is a svelte mini app and a typescript powered injected provider. The extension also features Multi Injected Provider Discovery support (eip-6963). And the communication between device and extension is done via the WebSerial api for this revision of the board. We are leveraging a small loophole in browser extension serial permissions to maintain a constant and actively refreshed connection with the hardware device.

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