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About A simple gamified campaign bringing the traditional red envelope gifting into the digital payments world.

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

The Lifafa / or Red Envelope can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Gifting: People can use the Red Envelope Distribution System to give digital gifts to friends, family, and colleagues. For example, someone could give their friend a red envelope containing cryptocurrency, an NFT, or a gift card. Rewarding: Businesses can use the Red Envelope Distribution System to reward their customers and employees. For example, a business could give its customers a red envelope containing cryptocurrency or a gift card after they make a purchase. Or, a business could give its employees a red envelope containing cryptocurrency or an NFT as a bonus.

Gaming: A game developer can use the Lifafa to distribute in-game items and rewards to players. For example, a game developer could create a red envelope containing a rare in-game item and then share the link to the red envelope on social media. Players can then compete to claim the red envelope.

Overall, the Lifafa is a versatile platform that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a secure, transparent, fair, and efficient way to give and receive digital gifts.

How it's Made

I have used smart contract to create envelopes and load assets , and sismo to claim the envelopes using zk proofs

Let me break down this process:

Smart Contracts: to create and manage "envelopes" and assets within the blockchain ecosystem.

Envelopes: These are a way to organize and manage assets within your smart contract. Envelopes could be used to hold and control access to specific assets, defining conditions for their release or transfer.

Loading Assets: Users can deposit assets into these envelopes using the smart contract. The smart contract will determine the rules and conditions under which these assets can be deposited, held, and released.

Sismo: Sismo is being used to claim these envelopes using ZKPs.

Selectively Disclosing Data: Users, when claiming assets held in the envelopes, may need to provide certain proofs, such as proving they are the rightful owner of the assets, without revealing their identity or other unnecessary personal information. Sismo helps users selectively disclose the required data using ZKPs.

Authentication and Authorization: Sismo could potentially serve as an authentication and authorization layer that verifies the user's right to access the assets in the envelopes using ZKPs. This adds a layer of privacy and security to the process.

Claiming Assets Securely: With ZKPs and Sismo, users can claim the assets they own, proving their ownership without disclosing their private information. This ensures that the claiming process is secure and private.

The combination of smart contracts, envelopes, Sismo, and ZKPs provides a secure and private way for users to manage and claim their assets within a blockchain-based system. It also gives users control over which personal data they share during the claiming process.

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