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Rewarding Sustainability


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

The idea is to create a platform that facilitates trading of carbon credits across different industries. Initially, carbon credits will be allotted by the government, but these credits will not be tradeable until the end of the third fiscal year. The trading will be based on the quantity of carbon emissions in metric tonnes. This platform aims to incentivize businesses to reduce their carbon emissions by allowing them to trade surplus credits for additional revenue.


How it's Made

Integrating our smart contracts with the frontend presented challenges, primarily due to deprecated functions in web3.js. Navigating this, we had to identify alternative methods, adapting to the evolving landscape. Handling contract complexities posed difficulties in passing values seamlessly. Filecoin integration into our web app also posed hurdles, leading us to explore alternatives. Opting for proved to be a seamless solution, offering straightforward integration through their SDKs and APIs. This streamlined the process, ensuring a smoother integration experience for our project.

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