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Leonida Casino

Predict GTA 6 Launch! Win Jackpot! Eazy!

Leonida Casino

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Everyone says we are buidling for people, but who are those? Many people even don't know about the term WEB3. So this problem mix the funky prediciton games + real world reward for that, In a very small app.

  1. Connect your wallet (Metamask)
  2. Predict the week of launch and stake the money
  3. Wait for the launch
  4. Claim your reward if any :)

And by trailer launch GTA 6 already made lots of buzz, so this can be the right opportunity to bring people to this decentralized world.


How it's Made

• This was the first time I hacking in web3 space, (you can think of my knowledge level) • Faced lots of issues in creating smart-contract, but a random guy gave me a few tips on remix and online articles/videos, chagpt, and StackOverflow were the best buddies • Also faced issues in integrating smart-contract into frontend but team metamask, web3samaj were the god's people. • Unfortunately team member was not available + I was 12 hour late in terms of check-in, so time waste.

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