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The omnipresent comment section to discuss, fact-check, and share your views about any web page


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

DIGITAL SEA OF LOST DISCUSSIONS- Overwhelming digital content creates a chaotic landscape where valuable insights drown in noise. ABSENCE OF REVIEW SECTIONS - This leaves users without crucial feedback, hindering informed decision-making. CREDIBILITY EROSION- Review sections on centralized platforms like Amazon and Flipkart are susceptible to manipulation, raising concerns about the authenticity and trustworthiness. LIMITED DISCOVERY FOR GENUINE PRODUCTS- Genuine, high-quality offerings often get overshadowed by mass-produced counterparts, denying consumers access to superior alternatives.


How it's Made

With the limited time that we had and since there are only two resources in our team, we faced many challenges such as integrating a fully functional profile section for our website in just one day. There were many doubts while integrating the sponsors into our projects and we managed to get it resolved by skimming through their docs and getting help from the team at the booth.

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