
Decentralised Academic Platform for permissionless science with verifiable reputation for public good.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of

🏊 Polygon — Build on Polygon

🎖️ Lens Protocol - Runner Up

🥉 The Graph — Best New Subgraph

Project Description

An academic platform for researchers to permissionlessly submit, publish and review while earning publicly verifiable reputation.

Any researcher with an H Index (computed at read) above 3 can accept any other researchers paper with feedback.

Any paper accepted by four or more qualified (H Index) researchers will contribute toward the authors H Index.

When a paper is published its citations are enumerated and the cited papers are updated towards the researchers H Index.

All paper, reviewers and H indexs are publicly viewable for metadata studies.

How it's Made

Backend is Lens Reference Module, deployed on Polygon's Mumbai test network. The contract encapsulates the logic and permissions for publishing, reviewing, looking up H Indexes and persisting the relationships between papers as well as researchers. https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x554C6E9Ee31bbE1DdB06312F0440f582Cb54bee9#code#F13#L1

The app evens are index on The Graphs sub-graph. Profiles, Publications and Reviews are indexed and derived from contract events. https://thegraph.com/hosted-service/subgraph/mdeisen/re-search

The frontend is a nextjs app styled with tailwind and dasiyUI. To interact with the Sub Graph we used Redux Toolkit Query. To communicate with Lens we used the Hooks and the Lens Client. Post content is are uploaded to IPFS and Pinned by Web3storage. Post content is html stringyified and images are base46 encoded into the string blob.

background image mobile

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