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Decentralized Web3 Blog Dapp built on Lens protocol


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

pay as you read A decentralized blogging platform that allows reader to pay for the blogs that you read not the whole subscription fees. For Example I as a writer is writing 10 blogs per month and the reader only want's to read 2 blogs per month so he/she can be charge for that two blogs, not the whole subscription.

How it's Made

General Issue that we faced

  • We face a lot of issues from finalizing UI to programming.
  • As a newbie in the web3 space we came up with a really big idea and struggle to implement the feature that we were thinking in our head.
  • As this is our first hackathon we really struggle with the time management and can;t able to divide our work properly. Codding Issue that we faced
  • While deploying the project the versel the metamask is not working.
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