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Lens Subgraph with EPNS

Basic subgraph with EPNS on Lens protocol. Handle emitted events and read IPFS data to store it on graph level.

Lens Subgraph with EPNS

Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Winner of


🤝 Lens Protocol — "follow on lens" or "sign in with lens"


🥈 EPNS — Best Use


🥇 The Graph — Best New Subgraph

Project Description

Reading lens events and mapping them to subgraph. Used sugraphs ipfs functionality to unwrap metadata that has been stored on IPFS to index it on graph. On post event, got the ipfs hash and read the metadata from ipfs, mapped it with key/value functionality to read the content of the post and store it on graph level. Implemented EPNS on subgraph level, used that tool to send notification to users when new comment has been made, follow or mirror. Next improvement could be to search the users by username on graph when they have been mentioned inside content and send notification to them. Figured out its not working on polygon network.

How it's Made

This project uses @graph tool for indexing all the data that has been emitted through events to make it simpler to get the needed data. Uses @EPNS tools to send notification to users when new comment has been made, follow or mirror. Next improvement could be to search the users by username on graph when they have been mentioned inside content and send notification to them

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