Application to filter Lens profiles that are holders of ApeCoin or the Nouns NFT Collection.
Application to filter Lens profiles that are holders of ApeCoin or the Nouns NFT Collection. This will help to find profiles that meet certain requirements and interact lwith these profiles. Additionally, the application can facilitate the creation of new communities and networks centered around specific blockchain projects or assets. By connecting users with others who hold ApeCoin or the Nouns NFT Collection, the application can help foster a sense of community and enable users to collaborate and share information with one another.
Next.js: it is a React framework for server-side web applications. It allows building fast and scalable web applications with React and is used in this code to define the RootLayout component.
React: it is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is used in this code to define the RootLayout component and to render the content provided in children.
CSS: it is a language used to define the appearance of web pages. The globals.css file imported in the first line of the code contains global styles that will be applied to all components in the application.
next/font-google: it is a package that allows using Google Fonts in Next.js applications. The Inter font imported in the second line of the code is a variable font family that will be used in the RootLayout component.
React.ReactNode: it is a type used in TypeScript to define the children of a React component. The RootLayout component expects a single child element, which can be of any type that can be rendered by React.