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Redefining DeFi lending with on-chain social profiles as collateral. Utilizing Ethereum smart contracts, borrowers leverage digital identities for asset borrowing. Transforming DeFi lending! 🌐


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

LendOne addresses the persistent challenge in decentralized finance (DeFi) lending, specifically in traditional undercollateralized protocols. Existing lending systems lack robust borrower incentives, resulting in insufficient repayment assurance, impacting the overall health of the ecosystem.

How LendOne Improves Tasks

  • Enhanced Security with Arbitrum: LendOne leverages Arbitrum's advanced security measures to fortify transactions. By utilizing Arbitrum's solutions, LendOne ensures higher security and reliability in its lending procedures.

  • Scalability on Polygon: Integrating Polygon's scalability solutions, LendOne streamlines borrowing processes, ensuring faster transactions and reduced costs. This integration significantly enhances the user experience within the protocol.

  • Decentralized Data Storage with IPFS & Filecoin: By utilizing IPFS & Filecoin, LendOne provides decentralized and secure data storage, safeguarding users' collateral information while enhancing overall data integrity.

  • User Accessibility via Metamask: LendOne offers seamless user accessibility through Metamask integration. This enables users to effortlessly interact with the protocol, promoting a user-friendly and secure borrowing experience.

  • Enhanced Privacy with Scroll: Scroll's privacy solutions further fortify LendOne's transactional privacy, ensuring confidential and secure lending activities within the protocol.

  • Real-time Updates with Push Protocol: Integration with Push Protocol allows LendOne to provide timely repayment notifications to users, ensuring they are well-informed about their borrowing health factors and potential risks.

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility via Celo: Celo's cross-chain capabilities enable LendOne to explore interoperability, expanding its reach to multiple blockchain ecosystems while maintaining a secure lending environment.


How it's Made

I faced multiple challenges throughout the ETHIndia 2023 hackathon and I successfully resolved them.

Smart Contract Integration Complexity: Integrating various smart contracts within the LendOne protocol posed a considerable challenge due to their complexity and interdependencies. Overcoming this hurdle required meticulous code reviews, extensive testing, and collaborative efforts. Ensuring robust security measures and conducting thorough audits presented a significant challenge.

Third-party Integration: Integrating multiple third-party solutions from sponsors like Arbitrum, Polygon, and IPFS & Filecoin posed compatibility and integration complexities. To overcome these challenges, actively engaged with the respective sponsor booths, sought their guidance, and meticulously followed their integration documentation. This approach helped us navigate complexities and successfully integrate the various solutions into LendOne.

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