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Sou Sou

A sou-sou (su-su or susu) is an informal rotating savings club.

Sou Sou

Created At

HackMoney 2021

Project Description

A sou-sou (su-su or susu) is an informal rotating savings club.

where a group of people get together and contribute an equal amount of money into a fund weekly, bi-weekly or monthly.

The total pool, also known as a hand, is then paid to one member of the club on a previously agreed-on schedule.

The pool rotates until each member of the sou-sou is paid a hand.

How it's Made

This project was made using the following technology:

  1. Truffle - Smart Contract Development

  2. Solidity - Smart Contract

  3. - Backend ,Database, User Authentication, Cloud Functions

  4. Polygon Mumbai - Network Smart Contract was deployed to

  5. React- DAPP Development

  6. Metamask - Crypto Wallet

  7. Chainlink - Verifiable Random Function - The distribution of payment is determined by this.

  8. USDC - USD Coin Stable coin - use as payment

  9. Biconomy SDK. - Forwarding Interaction to Smart Contract

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