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A revolutionary peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platform designed to bridge the gap in interest rates between traditional financial systems in emerging markets and the crypto market. StormBit offers a variety of loan types, including undercollateralized, NFT-backed, and custom loans.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Project Description

LenderX' core features include:

Lending Pools: Users can create lending pools and become managers, responsible for assessing loan requests and making decisions. Pools are customizable, with parameters like initial deposit, loan execution delay, and manager fees. Token Vaults: These hold shares of the total value locked (TVL) in the protocol, with flexible capital efficiency ensuring idle capital generates income. Strategists manage token vaults, optimizing returns for the ecosystem. Custom Agreements: LenderX supports various loan agreements, including simple, NFT-backed, and ERC20 agreements, with the flexibility to integrate custom agreements developed by the community.

How it's Made

Our enhanced design focuses on:

Smart Contract Optimization: Leveraging transient storage and the Diamond Pattern for reduced gas costs and improved contract efficiency. Credit Score Planning: Developing a robust credit score system using unified event emission for better borrower assessment. Streamlined User Flow: Enabling users to easily create lending pools and initiate loans in a seamless process.

we've used Scaffold-eth2 as template four full stack app using the following tech: Backend(Smart Contract): Hardhat , Deployment network: Aurora EVM from Near Protocol Frontend:React + Dynamic + Wagmi

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