Incomplete project as a learning process for a front-end app to mint nfts
I didn't finish anything as I spent a whole day on trying to run an example for front-end for a nft dapp. My idea is to build a site that allows users to mint a custom nft of their choosing, and deploying it on various chains. I learned about how to write scripts to deploy contract and mint nfts, how the structure of a front-end app should be constructed, how to host data on ipfs, how to use alchemy to link smart contract code to web app, ect.
Contract is ERC721 contract with js scripts, front-end app uses a boilerplate template from alchemy, with arbirtum/scroll rpc endpoints and pinata connection to ipfs to host the images. Did not complete. The struggles I faced were following the example and having my version run smoothly, how to establish the connections, modify the front-end as tutorial mentioned.