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An education platform allowing projects to outsource and incentives for the creation of high-quality learning materials.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Winner of

Protocol Labs

🥈 IPFS/Filecoin — Storage Wizard

Project Description

Learnify aims to change the way we collate and share information with each other by contributing to or maintaining courses. A platform for educators to make money fulfilling bounties. A place to learn and earn governance rights in the process.

Applying the principles of open-source software development to education. Create courses and incentivise the creation of high-quality learning materials for these courses. Contributors may fulfil bounties for course creators - maintainers of the courses approve these requests, improving the overall quality of each course with time.

Students of these courses receive a high-quality course from many points of view and areas of expertise.

Learnify uses the same philosophy just like Github, but we are providing courses instead of repositories.

Makers can make quests to raise funds for creating courses. Also, Users can update their profile data by Ceramic 3ID connect.


How it's Made

Decentralised Services (Ether.js and communication with Smart Contract).

All smart contracts are deployed on Polygon Mumbai ( LearnifyFactory.sol, LearnifyCourse.sol, LearnifyMembership.sol, LearnifyQuest.sol)

This project uses,

  • ✨ Next.js to design the frontend
  • ✨ IPFS for storing courses metadata through IPFS-HTTP-Client
  • ✨ Storing user profiles using Ceramic Network 3ID Connect
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