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Layerhack is a platform tailored for non-tech folks in Web3. Layerhack addresses the significant gap in resources and recognition for non-tech contributors in the ecosystem.


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Why Layerhack:

  • Equip non-tech professionals with the essential understanding of Web3 technologies, allowing them to contribute more effectively to the growth of projects.
  • Elevate the visibility of non-tech contributors by providing them with a platform to share their experiences, insights, and strategies. Celebrate the individuals driving the execution of successful projects behind the scenes.
  • Tailored courses and curated networking opportunities for us to focus on the specific skills and connections.

We will organise a non-tech hackathon, if we get the right chance and support to do so 🤝

Success in IBW 2023:

  1. We did a small meetup in Founder House with 25 people cap and decided to keep conversions around GTM, Developer acquisition, Product Market Fit, Content Marketing and Influncer marketing. We separated them into 3 groups and they discussed these marketing topics for 3 hours straight with utmost interest and joy. That's where we validated that this type of meetups are needed.
  2. We did another similar meetup onn 9th December where we called some of the industry leaders in marketing and growth and discussed about loyalty programs, how to bring big enterprises into Web3, individual's success story, etc. It was also a pure value meetup and everyone said "WE NEED MORE OF THESE MEETUPs or THIS IS THE WAY TO GO".

How the hackathon will be conducted in Layerhack in future?

  1. Projects will submit their tracks.
  2. Participants will have the opportunity to attend an expert-panel session on different topics by top people across Web3. The session will also feature a Q & A session where participants can interact with the speakers.
  3. Participants will be required to submit their plan of execution in a 3-slide presentation deck.
  4. The shortlisted teams will be required to provide a detailed plan between 10-15 slides in length.
  5. The top 3 shortlisted teams will present their pitches to the project/judge and one team will win the bounty.


How it's Made

We tried to implement a Web3 angle to our idea and we failed. We tried integrating token-gating community calls using Huddle, but the integration is incomplete. And also we trained a special GPT for non-tech people to learn about narratives such as ZK and AA. Akansha from the team have been aggregating content around ZK and AA since a long time (check here: We used this data to train our GPT model for an updated search engine, but the API is not working in the last minute.

Anyways, we learnt our lessons. We will built something fascinating for sure. Layerhack for the win.

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