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An All-in-one App that let you abstract all the difficulties of the blockchain


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of

Hedera - Ecosystem Builder Bounty 1st place

Project Description

Project Summary

Onboarding new users into blockchain applications is a challenge. Current solutions revolves around mnemonics that need to be stored to recover accounts on users wallets, effectively introducing security risks. By using passkeys to control accounts, we abstract away the need for users to store mnemonics and we allow users to use a familiar interface to control their accounts (biometric authentication) in one click UX.

Our wallet is meant to be an implementation of the ERC-4337 standard, that allow users to have an account in the form of a smart contract. In this case, we use passkeys to let users control their account thanks to the onchain P256 signature verification developed by Daimo.

Why Passkeys?

Passkeys are a new way to authenticate users, that are more secure than passwords, and more user friendly than mnemonics. Our aim is to make blockchain applications more accessible to the general public, and we believe that passkeys are a great way to do so. Our UI strives in making it easy for users to create, retrieve existing accounts and sign transactions via Passkeys. As a user, all notion of passkeys are abstracted and you just need to remember a simple username to access your account.

Mobile first?

While being built with NextJS for ease of development, our wallet is designed to be easy to use on mobile. Grab your phone, proceed to a biometric authentication, and you can start using your account in a few seconds.





How it's Made

Passkey Generation

When you create an account, a passkey is generated and stored in your device or your password manager. This passkey is tied to an id. This is worth noting that the passkey is never managed by the wallet itself, the wallet only uses the browser API to interact with it. Basically, the wallet asks for signatures and your device/password manager handles the rest. This is a very important security feature, as it means that the wallet never has access to your passkey, and cannot be compromised to steal it.

User creation

Once the passkey is generated, the passkeys browser API returns a public key and an id. These public information are stored onchain and used to identify your account.

Smart Account creation

The Smart Account is the contract implementing the ERC-4337 standard. Its address is deterministically computed from the public key of the user. This contract implements all the logic to verify signatures, effectively allowing the user to operate onchain actions thanks to their passkey. The contract is not deployed when the passkey is generated to avoid paying huge gas fees for a contract that might never be used. Instead, it is deployed when the user first interacts with the contract.


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