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Buy and sell verified and authentic sneakers


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

Scroll - Deploy on Scroll

Prize Pool

Project Description

Sneakers have a huge market volume even though they cater to a very niche audience. Sneaker enthusiasts and collectors are very particular about their choice of sneakers and try their best to get their hands on authentic pieces only. We are using Anon-Aadhaar to ensure the ones who list on our platform actually exist and are not trying to make some quick bucks by scamming unknowing individuals. Proof of citizenship goes a long way in mitigating the risk of getting scammed. Owner histories are also stored so that one can know where their favourite pair is coming from. One would definitely want to hold on to a pair of sneakers once owned by Ronaldo!


How it's Made

Mostly related to merge conflicts and integration of the frontend and the smart contract. Push Protocol does not support Scroll Sepolia (yet) so we had to use some workarounds. Creating a notification right from the smart contract wasn't possible since it is on Scroll, so we sent the call directly via a Node.js environment, since we needed the private key of the delegate as well.

Nextjs 14 introduced a lot of breaking changes and we had to employ workarounds accordingly. A lot of bug hunting but in the end it was all worth it!

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