International directory for vendors to list their business that has been KYB using Kinto.
The project aims to showcase how Kinto's KYB/KYC feature can ease the pain for vendors and businesses that often have to perform countless repeated KYB due to the many standalone opaque supply chain platforms. Kinto wallet can also be used for invoice payments and escrow. There will be additional integration to expand the offering by adding more partner solutions (WIP).
The main stack will be built with reactJS. Payments will be done with Kinto wallets. The main stack will be built with Kinto core, foundry, nodeJS. Payments will be done with Kinto wallets. The main stack will be built with Kinto core, foundry, nodeJS. Payments will be done with Kinto wallets. Note that only mostly front-end code has been done as Kinto does not have a testnet infrastructure. So most of the ideas here are POC with react code.