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Keyless AI is an AI-powered assistant that simplifies blockchain interactions. Users can perform token swaps, staking, and transfers using natural language. It leverages multi-agent systems to optimize transactions securely, integrating with smart accounts for seamless execution.


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Winner of

Blockless - Best dApp Built on Blockless

Flow - Most Killer App Potential 4th place

Polygon - Build anything CrossChain using AggLayer Unified Bridge 1st place

Project Description

Keyless AI is an innovative personal assistant designed to make blockchain interactions simple and intuitive. It leverages AI and a multi-agent orchestration system to enable users to perform complex on-chain operations using natural language commands. Instead of interacting with technical blockchain interfaces, users can simply express their intentions in plain language, and Keyless AI translates these requests into a series of precise blockchain actions.

At its core, Keyless AI has several key features:

  1. Intent-Based User Interface : Users interact with the system by describing their desired outcomes (e.g., "Send 5 ETH to Alice," or "Invest $1000 in DeFi tokens"). The AI processes these requests and formulates a strategy for executing the required transactions on-chain.

  2. Multi-Agent Orchestration: A dynamic network of AI agents specializes in specific blockchain operations, such as token transfers, staking, swaps, and more. These agents collaborate in real-time, interpreting user intents and coordinating to execute optimized on-chain operations.

  3. Smart Account Integration: Currently, Keyless AI integrates with Coinbase smart accounts, allowing secure and flexible management of blockchain transactions. This enables secure custody of user funds while automating transaction management.

  4. On-Chain Transaction Batching: The system intelligently bundles multiple actions into optimized transaction sets, reducing gas fees and improving execution efficiency. This feature streamlines interactions, making it ideal for high-volume or complex operations in DeFi.

  5. Specialized Agents: Keyless AI comes equipped with a range of specialized agents designed to handle specific tasks like sending tokens, swapping tokens on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), bridging assets across chains, researching token metrics, and managing staking activities.

Workflow: The user submits a request using natural language. The system’s Intent Parsing module interprets the input, and relevant AI agents collaborate through Autogen Group Chats to plan and execute the required transactions. These transactions are batched and proposed to the user’s smart account, where they can review and approve them. Once approved, Keyless AI executes the transactions on-chain securely and efficiently.

Keyless AI was developed with user security as a priority. It incorporates local private key storage or MPC wallets for signing transactions and includes mandatory user approval for every action before on-chain execution. The system also runs transaction simulations and provides gas estimates to avoid surprises in execution.

Why is Keyless AI Important? Blockchain’s complexity often presents a barrier to mass adoption, particularly in the DeFi space. Keyless AI aims to reduce this friction by abstracting away the technical details of on-chain operations, enabling both novice and experienced users to interact with decentralized finance (DeFi) and blockchain ecosystems effortlessly. By simplifying and automating processes like token management, staking, and cross-chain interactions, Keyless AI creates a more user-friendly experience, making DeFi and blockchain more accessible.

What’s Next? We aim to extend Keyless AI’s capabilities by integrating with additional smart account providers, expanding the ecosystem of specialized agents, and improving the natural language processing to handle even more complex user requests. Keyless AI is built to evolve alongside the rapidly changing blockchain space, becoming a versatile and indispensable tool for both casual and advanced users alike.

Ultimately, Keyless AI bridges the gap between user intent and blockchain execution, paving the way for more seamless, intelligent, and accessible interactions within the decentralized economy.

How it's Made

Keyless AI was developed using a combination of advanced technologies to create a seamless interaction between users and blockchain operations, focusing on simplicity, efficiency, and security. Here's a breakdown of the key components, technologies, and the structure behind the project:

Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Intent Recognition:

Keyless AI’s user interface is driven by advanced NLP, enabling users to interact through natural language. By utilizing OpenAI's GPT models, user inputs like "Send 5 ETH to Alice" or "Stake 100 tokens in Compound" are seamlessly converted into blockchain transactions. This automation eliminates the need for manual navigation of complex blockchain tasks, streamlining the user experience.

Tech Stack: OpenAI GPT-3/4 for natural language understanding and conversational AI. TypeScript for backend integration with blockchain tools. Plurality for multi-agent collaboration.

Multi-Agent Orchestration System:

Keyless AI employs a multi-agent orchestration framework, where specialized AI agents manage distinct blockchain tasks, such as token transfers, staking, or token swapping on decentralized exchanges (DEXs). Agents collaborate via Autogen Group Chats to process user requests efficiently in real-time.

Tech Stack:

  • Plurality AI for managing multiple AI agents performing various DeFi operations.

Smart Contract Interaction:

For blockchain interaction, Keyless AI integrates web3.js to handle smart contract execution. It supports popular DeFi protocols for token swaps, staking, and other financial services. The system's Coinbase Smart Accounts integration ensures secure and automated fund management, offering users full control of their assets.

  • Tech Stack: web3.js and ethers.js for Ethereum and blockchain operations. Coinbase Wallet API for secure smart account management and transaction approvals.

This streamlined structure enhances user experience by automating complex blockchain interactions while ensuring security and control over assets. We implemented gas fee simulations to notify users of potential cost spikes before transaction approval, utilizing the Etherscan API for real-time gas price tracking.

Partner Technologies: OpenAI: For NLP and intent recognition. Coinbase Smart Accounts: Streamlining blockchain interaction and transaction management. Ethereum Layer 2 solutions Reducing transaction costs and enhancing scalability. MetaMask/WalletConnect: Ensuring secure wallet integration and transaction signing.

Challenges Overcome: One major challenge was ensuring that complex multi-step DeFi operations could be executed securely and accurately through natural language commands. To solve this, we created agent collaboration protocols that allowed multiple agents to work together in interpreting and executing the user’s intent.

In the end, Keyless AI is a powerful solution built on top of cutting-edge technologies, designed to abstract away the complexity of blockchain while ensuring that users retain full control and security over their transactions.

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