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Gamified build in public social platform designed for developers, founders and artists.


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Project Description

We have built JournalStack, a platform that lets you share your daily progress with the world. Whether you are working on a personal project, a startup, or a hobby, you can use JournalStack to share your journey and connect with other makers. The dapp is deployed on OP mainnet, zora and base testnet.

We initially started off with the optimism starter kit and were pleasantly ssurprised at the ease of use thus we continued utilising the wagmi generated hooks to connect our social media smart contract to the front end of our application. We then utilised covalent rpc to retrieve historical user data such as transaction count and created their most utilised chain by iterating over every covalent supported chain, retrieving their transaction count and the chain with the most transactions is labelled as their most utilised. We also used attestations from the graph created from the smart contract data to gamify and create notification that are meant to motivate the user. We believe this is a great fit for Zora because of the ease of NFT collection minting, this platform could easily implement the creation updates.

How it's Made

Gamified build in public social platform designed for developers, founders and artists. Deployed Main net on Op, also test net for zora and base. Uses covalent API for user profile, iterative chain querying for transaction count to get most transaction on any chain for user to determine most utilised wallet Attestation for gamification and graph for smart contract querying, more information in the video demo apologies ran out of time.

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