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Jeex offers web3 video calls gated by trustless on-chain credentials


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

We built a tool to create interactive and permissionless spaces based on shared interests using provable on-chain credentials. Such credentials are constructed via Axiom-powered leverage storage proofs, zkSNARKs of data inclusion in a blockchain. Jeex uses LiveKit and Push protocol to allow group video calls and chat. Metamask, WalletConnect and Privy authorize users and streamline onboarding.

Jeex aims at helping to build exclusive, tangible value Web3 communities. Any Web3 ecosystem is defined by its core community of engaged and committed Web3 natives: builders, influencers, traders, NFT flippers, MEV searchers, alpha seekers, security experts, blockchain enthusiasts, etc. Their core values are trustless and permissionless interaction. However, there are no social tools to create and curate permissionless spaces based on shared interests and provable Web3 credentials. For example, how do I create a chat for the top 10% of Uniswap users by trading volume? How do I create a regular video call conference for whales with over 10M$+ assets in on-chain holdings? Today there are no platforms for such communities and Jeex attempts to solve this problem with zero-knowledge storage proofs.

How it's Made

We use Axiom V2 storage proofs for credentials with client-side, in-browser proving and on-chain verification. AxiomREPL allows users to define a ZK circuit for credentials using plain JavaScript. This circuit is then exported as a Typescript module and deployed with the frontend app, allowing users to prove information about their on-chain activity in their browsers and submit it for verification on chain. Upon successful verification, an SBT (non-transferable ERC721) is minted, which gives a user access to one or more communities on Jeex.

Push protocol and LiveKit are used to enable group video calls and chat. Metamask, WalletConnect and Privy authorize users and streamline onboarding. Frontend is built on Next.We use Axiom V2 storage proofs for credentials and LiveKit with Push protocol to allow group video calls and chat. Metamask, WalletConnect and Privy authorize users and streamline onboarding. Frontend is built on Next.js/Typescript, backend uses Nest.js/TypeOrm/Docker/Typescript, backend uses Nest.js/TypeOrm/Docker.

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