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iuris naturalis

IURIS NATURALIS: Empowering Sovereign Individuals Unlock the power of sovereignty with Iuris Naturalis—an attesting decentralized platform. Publish and attest to your legal documents privately and securely, free from the grip of centralized services.

iuris naturalis

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Project Description

Iuris Naturalis is an elegant yet potent tool designed for sovereign individuals, enabling them to publish and attest to their legal documents in a manner that upholds their sovereignty. In the current technological landscape, the channels for sharing, publishing, and accessing documentation created by such communities are largely controlled by centralized entities (GAFAM), exposing users to potential abuses and rendering them susceptible to arbitrary regulations enforced by authorities worldwide.

This dependence on platforms that not only monitor but also exploit user data, as exemplified by the saying "if you're not paying for the product, you are the product," reflects a fundamental philosophical inconsistency. IURIS NATURALIS, as a transformative tool, seeks to bridge this divide.

The central objective of this project is to provide a private avenue for making self-sovereign documents public, leveraging technologies that are free, open, borderless, resilient against the passage of time, and, crucially, immune to censorship. This commitment aligns seamlessly with the foundational principles of freedom, decentralization, permanence, and verifiability, empowering individuals to exercise their rights in a manner that respects their autonomy and upholds the essence of self-determination.

How it's Made

The IURIS NATURALIS DApp leverages the remarkable fusion of EAS attestations, IPFS, and Ethereum addresses, enabling users to seamlessly sign, verify, and autonomously manage a wide array of services. This revolutionary Decentralized Application (DApp) serves as a dynamic platform for hosting diverse public declarations that align with your unique self-determination journey. By publishing these documents on the IPFS network and generating a self-contained IPFS webpage that houses all your cryptographically verified records, sharing this invaluable information becomes as easy as scanning a QR code.

To embark on this transformative journey, users create a distinctive IAM code, meticulously structured as IAM-name/ssurname/s-mmddyyyy, derived from their legal identity. This IAM code serves as the cornerstone of their presence within IURIS NATURALIS, linked to their Ethereum (ETH) address, all securely managed off-chain, and, initially, free of charge. Optionally, users can choose to invest a nominal fee for on-chain attestations and access to additional services.

The Process in Steps:

  1. Create or Link Your Cryptographic Address Click "Connect" to either create or link your wallet.

If your browser supports web3 and you choose to, you can effortlessly link your Metamask or Brave wallet, enhancing your ability to cryptographically sign posts.

You can also establish a local wallet within the IURIS NATURALIS DApp, powered by the robust ethers.js library. Protect your wallet with a password and receive a secure 12-word seed. Safeguard this seed diligently, as it represents the key to your wallet's funds and the authority to sign on your behalf.

  1. Restoring a Local Wallet If you already possess a local wallet, opt for the "Restore Wallet" feature. Input your seed and fortify it with a password.

  2. Create Your IAM Code and Complete Attestation The IAM code, elegantly structured as IAM-name/ssurname/s-mmddyyyy, is a unique reference number derived from your legal identity. For instance, consider Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, born on July 30, 1972, whose IAM code would be IAM-hatj-07301972. This IAM code becomes the name of the NFT in the ensuing step. Simply provide your full name, surname, and birthdate to craft your IAM code, then click "CREATE IAM CODE." This action triggers an AES off-chain attestation, empowering you to proceed with uploading your crucial documents.

  3. Upload Your Documents to IPFS Add your personalized documents, complete with their accompanying courtesy translations, to the IPFS public network. Each file receives a unique fingerprint known as a content identifier (CID), ensuring the unalterable permanence of your files. Click "+ ADD DOCUMENTS" to initiate the upload process. For courtesy translations, employ the "+ ADD COURTESY TRANSLATION" feature. Finally, click "PUBLISH IN IPFS," leading to the creation of a self-contained IPFS webpage containing an EAS attestation featuring your IAM code, IAM address, and the CID of your brand-new webpage.

  4. Voila! Access Your IPFS Web Page A QR code containing a link to your self-contained webpage materializes. Employ your local wallet password to decrypt your wallet and authorize the cryptographic signing of your posts.

You can effortlessly access your IPFS webpage by clicking the "View Publication" icon.

Conclusion: A New Era with IURIS NATURALIS This mechanism epitomizes the use of open, decentralized, censorship-resistant technologies, in perfect alignment with the ethos of the self-sovereign process. Through the responsible dissemination of documents vital to self-determination, we establish the bedrock for an innovative approach to creating and validating public records.

As this new paradigm unfolds under the auspices of IURIS NATURALIS, it empowers us with the boundless responsibility of conscious creation for a more promising future. We stand on the threshold of an exhilarating journey, brimming with myriad elements that can fuel our newfound empowerment.

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