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Turn your static 3d spaces into on-chain interactive, and gamified experiences. We give world builders a node-based interface and protocol to create an interoperable behavior graph for a virtual world.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

SKALE Network

🎮 SKALE — Best Metaverse, Gaming, or NFTs


🎮 Polygon — Best Metaverse or Gaming

Project Description

The majority of metaverse experiences are passive, where users attend a virtual event, concert, or gallery, but have little to no impact on the space itself or the other attendees, and often there is nothing to do, resulting in little repeat usage. Even if someone went to an event, there was rarely recorded evidence or artifacts, and as a result it doesn’t really matter if they were there or not.

interX gives creators the tools to create engaging metaverse worlds by providing a user-interface and protocol to decorate their static 3d content with on-chain interactive behaviors, where users are active participants and can affect the state of the world.

Here’s how it works:

  1. A creator loads their static 3d model to the serverless dApp.
  2. Through a node-based user interface, they design a behavior graph that defines actions, logic, constraints, and effects that those actions have. They can make any element in the scene clickable, and design what effects that click has on the rest of the scene. Actions can be token gated, as well as invoke other smart contract functions to be called, such as minting an nft or issuing tokens.
  3. They then mint this world and its behavior-graph onto any evm compatible blockchain. The 3d scene glb file, and the behavior-graph json are stored on IPFS, but identifiers and constraints for each action are stored on-chain via a smart contract.
  4. When a user interacts with the scene, such as clicking a button, it will execute the action via the smart contract, which can verify that the user meets the rules, and execute other smart contract transactions. The 3d renderer is built using react-three-fiber, but as a result of using this format, in the future, the created interactive scenes can be imported easily into other platforms such as unity, unreal, or any open metaverse. Here are some examples of what can be created using this tool:
  • Using an nft as a key, a user can open a treasure chest, which results in a new random nft being minted and their key nft being burned.
  • In a 3d space, users can vote by placing one of their token nfts in a slot in the wall.
  • A button can be clicked to start an elevator or platform. This button can only be pressed by the owner of the space or someone with a specific NFT. A series of these platforms can act as a platform game.
  • A switch can be toggled to set different lighting or gravity presets for a space. While this currently is designed for 3d metaverse experience, this system can be generalized to build any sort of on-chain composable interactive game.

How it's Made

The project is a fork of Ben Houston’s excellent behave-graph repository ( which provides a javascript implementation of the currently being discussed KHR_behavior extension for interactivity and logic in 3d models ( incorporates code from beeglebug’s behave-flow ( to provide a user interface to edit the behavior graph.

It takes this work further by displaying the behavior graph editor side by side with a viewer the 3d model it is applied to, allowing the changes to be seen in real time. The viewer is built using three.js and react, in particular react-three-fiber. The behavior graph consists of:

  • Actions
  • Rules=
  • Effects
  • Interactive behaviors

The entire scene and behavior graph can be saved and loaded from IPFS.

We have a custom smart contract that stores all the actions from the scene and can enforce rules in it, and interoperate with other smart contracts.

Once the scene is saved, it can be minted onto any evm compatible blockchain using this contract, where rules around each action can be enforced, including token gated actions.

Future work would allow minting of nfts from this experience.

Blockchain/decentralized technology:

  • Skale
  • Polygon
  • IPFS
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