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Deploy your ideas into smart Contracts


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Developing efficient smart contracts is challenging, often requiring expertise in Solidity and resulting in suboptimal performance and high gas fees.

We allow developers to write smart contracts in the languages they are most comfortable with . They can check,host ,test and deploy these contrcacts with a simple click of a button

The Challenges

  • Complexity in Development: Traditional smart contract development demands expertise in blockchain languages, limiting accessibility.
  • Performance Issues and High Gas Fees: Current processes lead to suboptimal performance and high gas fees, hindering scalability and cost-effectiveness.
  • Lack of Standardized Interface: Absence of a user-friendly interface hampers collaboration among developers using diverse languages.

The Insta Connect Solution

Our project, Insta Connect, addresses these challenges by leveraging AI:

  1. Natural Language to Developer-Friendly Code: Converts natural language to familiar languages like JavaScript, Rust, TypeScript, C++.
  2. Flexible Code Editing: Developers can customize the generated code to meet specific project requirements.
  3. WASM Optimization: Transforms code into WebAssembly (WASM) for significantly faster execution and lower gas fees.
  4. Seamless Deployment with Arbitrum Stylus: Utilizes Arbitrum Stylus for easy deployment of optimized WASM code directly onto the blockchain.
  5. Filecoin Storage: Securely stores all generated code on a Filecoin server, ensuring easy access.
  6. Multi-Language Support: Devs can use the language they are most comfy in

In conclusion, Insta Connect revolutionizes smart contract development by simplifying coding, addressing key challenges, and fostering collaboration in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

How it's Made

Integrating the Arbitrum Stylus was quite hard due to the lack of examples. most of the packages were old. some frameworks do not have more customizable features.

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