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Influenpeer is a video NFT creation platform built in the OP Mainnet, Base and Zora networks. It ensures to creators video NFTs up to 10GB and video playback optimised for all followers and audiences - on all bandwidths and device types. It leverages Zora protocol rewards.


Created At


Winner of

🏊‍♀️ Optimism — Super Pool Prize

Project Description

It is very costly and complex for NFT marketplaces to provide outstanding video experiences for large files. But limiting the video file size limits the types of video content that can be minted as NFTs by viewers, followers and other audiences.

Influenpeer does not limit creators and viewers. It offers a video NFT minting workflow for files up to 10GB while most NFT marketplaces limit the file size uploads to 100 MB (which are videos under one-two minutes long).


  • Enabling the creation of video NFTs up to 10GB.
  • Available on Zora, OP Mainnet, and Base (including their testnets).
  • Powered by Zora NFT ERC721 Edition (creating NFT contract using Zora ERC721 smart contracts).
  • Transcoding the video on the Livepeer network, ensuring optimal video playback on all bandwidths and device types.
  • Owning content as a decentralized NFT and playback from a decentralized storage.
  • Enabling Zora protocol rewards.
  • Customising metadata.
  • Savings on gas.
  • Limiting mints per address when purchasing.
  • Supply limited to 9999 tokens (initially).

How it's Made

This project uses the video infrastructure protocol from Livepeer to offer creators the freedom and autonomy to innovate, and viewers/NFT buyers a choice in their experience.

Influenpeer uses the Zora NFT ERC721 Editions NFT creator on the OP Mainnet, Base, and Zora.

It is built using Vite, React, TypeScript RainbowKit and Wagmi.

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