IMMI (It's My Medical Information) lets you give access to your records in seconds!
This project is using WorldCoin ID for authentication using the Auth0 Tenant, User logs in via Auth0 which authenticates with WC and requires a QR Login to auth in which user arrives at his/her medical dashboard where they can control their medical records and release to whichever Doctor they permit and see who is requesting the records.
I am using WorldCoin ID Authentication, Auth0, Node.js, MongoDB, and started to write a Smart Contract for storing information onchain and using Alchemy for accessing chain data and using Base Sepolia which has the contract and deployed to but not enough time to integrate.
Beyond temporarily using fake data to populate doctor requests and patient information, this can eventually go into the smart contract I started writing and even deployed to on Sepolia and the endpoints exist in the routes when more time exists to finish it.