An extension for onchain users to leave labels and tags on addresses, so that all addresses can see others opinions on the address
Prize Pool
Identity Tagger is a chrome extension tool that encourages people to leave a very short review, in the form of labels/tags on the addresses that they have interacted with. The labels/tags that they leave will be sent in the form of a soul bound token to the target address, so that it will stay permanent and cannot be erased. Other on-chain addresses can see the labels/tags that the address has, and therefore understand what are other people's view on the particular address. For example, [userA] tag (addressX) as 'malicious', when [userB] sees the tag, he/she will be aware and stay vigilent. This tool is meant to be community oriented and wish to bring onchain socialization. You will be able to see all sorts of labels/tags such as 'Smart Money', 'Excellent Trader', 'Rich Miner' etc. Identity Tagger checks that you have had interaction with the target address, and your address is at least a worldcoin verified address, to ensure on-chain uniqueness and authentication.
Identity Tagger is built using React.js, it works in a chrome extension browser. It looks into etherscan page and inject labels/tags beside the address field so that everyone can see it. Since we want to make sure that the user cannot erase other people's labelling on them, we've allow taggers to issue Soul Bound Token on AirDAO to the target address. And at same time, our backend will run a script to create notary certificate for the commit and tag type for the target address and then publish it on chian. But we also want to make sure that taggers cannot spam tagging random address, we've limited to only address they've interacted with, and taggers must be a unique human by verifying through worldcoin. We found out that NounsDAO is a community oriented and suitable IP for our tags, so we've added NounsDAO design into our tags.