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Your blockchain-based vault for crucial documents, now with Worldcoin integration for secure identity verification. Encrypt and store important files with ease. Enjoy decentralized security, availability, and talking to your documents using cutting-edge AIyour legacy.


Created At

ETHGlobal London

Winner of

Filecoin - Build Data Economies & Tools Together with Filecoin Runners Up

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Introducing HumanStorage: The Evolution of Human-Document Interaction!

We are thrilled to unveil HumanStorage, a pioneering platform destined to redefine your engagement with digital documents. At the heart of HumanStorage lies our groundbreaking innovation: a platform where your personal documents come to life, powered by the most sophisticated Large Language Models. Choose between closed-source or open-source options to tailor your experience. This advancement unlocks the potential for conversational interactions with your data, an endeavor that, until now, remained a challenge. Whether it's retrieving specific files, uploading to your digital vault, or engaging in exploratory dialogues with AI about your data, HumanStorage makes it not just possible but seamless and intuitive.

How HumanStorage Transforms Your Experience:

  • Converse with AI: Leveraging our advanced Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) technology, HumanStorage facilitates a dialogue with your data, transforming document exploration into an engaging conversation. This not only enhances the user experience but revolutionizes the way you interact with your documents.
  • Privacy First: In an age where AI's capabilities rapidly advance, protecting human data from not only other humans but also AI and potential AGI is crucial. HumanStorage employs Worldcoin's Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) technology, ensuring your data remains secure and private, visible only to humans.
  • Global Accessibility: With comprehensive multi-language support, HumanStorage breaks down barriers, making it accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.

HumanStorage is at the forefront of document management innovation, safeguarding your identity and documents with cutting-edge blockchain technology. Welcome to HumanStorage, where your documents are not just stored but brought to life through conversation, powered by AI.

How it's Made

Frontend Next.js: This component of the system employs Next.js, a powerful and flexible React-based framework. Next.js is chosen for its server-side rendering capabilities, which enhance SEO, and its automatic code splitting that ensures faster page loads. This framework facilitates the creation of a dynamic and responsive user interface that interacts seamlessly with the backend and blockchain layers of the application. Lighthouse Storage: For file storage, the system uses Lighthouse Storage, a decentralized storage solution. This method involves storing files in a secure and distributed manner, then receiving a content identifier (CID) in return. This CID is crucial as it represents the file's fingerprint and can be stored on the blockchain, ensuring the file's integrity and availability without storing the actual data on-chain. Blockchain FileCoin FEVM: At the blockchain layer, the system utilizes the FileCoin Frontier Ethereum Virtual Machine (FEVM) for storing user file CIDs and managing them efficiently. The FEVM is an Ethereum-compatible environment that enables smart contracts to interact with FileCoin's decentralized storage network directly. msg.sender Mapping: A key feature in this layer is the use of msg.sender to map users to their collections of documents. This mapping is organized into specified categories, allowing for efficient document management and retrieval. Users can retrieve their documents in unison or select multiple categories for more tailored access. Hardhat Framework: For the development, testing, and deployment of smart contracts, the Hardhat framework is utilized. Hardhat is renowned for its advanced Ethereum development environment that simplifies the lifecycle of smart contracts, providing developers with the tools needed for debugging, testing, and deploying contracts more effectively. Backend RAG AI Technique: On the backend, the system leverages the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) AI technique. This method is incorporated into a locally created API that interacts with the blockchain. The RAG technique enhances the system's ability to query documents stored on the blockchain, offering more precise and relevant results based on the query's context. This AI-driven approach ensures that document retrieval is both efficient and intelligent, catering to the specific needs of the users. Overall, this system's architecture demonstrates a thoughtful integration of cutting-edge technologies across the frontend, blockchain, and backend components. Each technology is chosen for its specific advantages, from enhancing user experience and ensuring secure, decentralized storage, to enabling intelligent document retrieval and streamlined smart contract development.

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