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Human Town

Human Town is a social graph based on proof of personhood through Zero Knowledge Proofs of web2 credentials

Human Town

Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

Human Town will lead sybil resistance from the front, web2 social interaction is least bet on and thanks to zero knowledge proofs we can export selected parts of this data without doxing the user in question. Human Town uses Reclaim Protocol to generate Zero Knowledge Proofs of social interactions, we have included twitter conversations as a part of this project. Users build their graphs by proving their conversations with other users. We are using UBER Rides as base score to get the user started on initial proof of personhood. Then the user can submit more proofs of conversations and their social graph would keep on growing. The Idea is that the bots are left alone with the least number of connections completely isolated from the real users.

How it's Made

We used Reclaim Protocol for generating Zero Knowledge Proofs. We used Neo4j for setting up the social graph. NodeJS and other elements like webhooks and APIs are used for communication back and forth.

The best part about using Reclaim Protocol was the easy off the shelf, plug and play mechanism it brings to our project

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