
AI Bots on Huddle01


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

Our project enables AI Bots on Huddle01 with Improved chat utility using GPT and Voice enabled bots with easy User experience. It allows you to join AI enables spaces. You can use different utility bots. We have integrated few bots like AI Doppelganger Bots of celebrities luke Elon Musk, Vitalik Buterin, Donald Trump or SnoopDogg by using /botname in the chat to make a easy user experience which uses text to speech. You can use AI Bots for simple utilities like joke bot, movie suggestion bot, coding bot etc. It also anables advanced integrations using GPT Calling feature we can create powerful agents like calendar scheduler bot, attendance bot by plugging functions into gpt and huddle bot infra.

With Huddle01 Bots, Building a marketplace around these useful bots can be really helpful and Can help huddle01 ecosytem really well.


Al Bots on Huddle01 Improved chat utility using GPT and Voice enabled bots with easy UX

Features Al Dopplegangers Talk to your favorites celebrities like Elon Musk, Vitalik Butarin, Donald Trump or Snoop Dogg using /name.

Simple Utilities Use bots for simple utilities inside Huddle chat like /joke, /movies suggestion, /code etc to enhance in chat experience.

Advanced Integrations Using GPT function calling feature we can create powerful agents like calendar scheduler bot, attendance bot by plugging functions into gpt and huddle bot infra


How it's Made

The most challenging part was figuring out a good UX, as there are many bots so wanted to have a streamlined way to use the bots using /bot-name

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