HoverChain is your window into Ethereum. Simply select an address, choose a chain, and dive into the data without ever opening a new tab.
HoverChain is a Google Chrome Extension that provides an in-browser tool for accessing blockchain data as you scroll. Simply select blockchain identifiers, such as Ethereum addresses or contracts, to reveal a detailed pop-up containing vital statistics such as wallet balances, recent transactions, and available smart contract interactions. HoverChain knows if you've selected a wallet and it will show the collection of NFTs, token transfers, and token balances. Once you've selected a contract, HoverChain will return detailed ABI data such as the read/write methods alongside their inputs.
This is a Chrome Extension built with React and Vite. It utilizes Xstate for state management and twind UI for styles. We utilize Alchemy API and Mantle Block Explorer API for accessing up-to-date blockchain data. It uses the NounsDao fonts and profile pics for fun UI features. It uses the Chrome manifest v3 version.