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HonorDAO distributes ‘Honor Token’ for every good transaction you do, and ‘Dishonor Token’ if you do a bad transaction. It allows users on Ethereum to rate the integrity of a transaction on whether the counter party held up their side of the deal.


Created At

ETHGlobal San Francisco

Project Description

HonorDAO aims to be a universal way on measuring how honorable a user account or contract account is on the blockchain. It effectively gives users/apps a way to ‘own’ their reputation that they can use across apps to show if they are completing transactions in the way they say they are. 

It does this by tracking two soul bound ERC20 tokens on the users account, ‘Honor Tokens’ and ‘Dishonor Tokens’. You can think of these as someone leaving a 5 star vs 1 star review on an account. The more ‘Dishonor Tokens’ a account has, the more someone can assume that they shouldn’t interact with this address, and vise vera for ‘Honor Tokens’

Below are real world use cases of a reason someone would use HonorDAO to send tokens:

Good Transaction example: ”you bought a product or service using crypto and you had a good experience” -> Transfer ‘Honor Token’ to the outbound address

Bad Transaction example: “you sent money to a smart contract and it turned out to be a scam” -> Transfer Dishonor token to the smart contract account

Using the HonorDAO dapp, you can check how much Honor/Dishonor someone has as well as send Honor based on recent transactions.

**the goal long term is to make transferring honor tokens to someone free, meaning the transaction fee is covered. We could fund this by using donations or by having a way for apps to voluntarily opt-in to the protocol, and cover the fee of transferring honor.


 1. Can the accounts transfer Honor Tokens - No, the tokens are ‘Soul-bound’ to the account meaning that it stays with the address forever and it cannot be transferred

  1. In which scenarios can an account send ‘Honor Tokens’? A user can send honor tokens based on a recent outbound transaction they had. For example they transferred money to a person or contract.

  2. Can people just fake transactions to themselves and leave ‘fake reviews’? Since transactions cost money, this takes away from the motivation for people to make fake transactions/reviews. I also will think about weighing the amount of Honor/Dishonor with the value of the transaction.

How it's Made

In order to build the front end I used next js, tailwind css, typescript and react. I used Alchemy API & viem for web3 development and connecting to the smart contracts. I also used the Etherscan API for querying a address's transactions on the frontend and for resolving the addresses to ENS names. In order to deploy the smart contracts I used Remix and solidity.

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