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HomeAssure simplifies home buying by authenticating buyers, sellers, and agents quickly and securely. Our approach protects privacy by limiting unnecessary sharing of information and ensures that documents come from reputable sources. Buy or sell a home with confidence.


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Project Description

HomeAssure is a dApp that makes home buying faster and safer for buyers, sellers, and their agents.

Our solution uses on-chain reputations to authenticate stakeholders and document proofs to limit sensitive information sharing.

We want to enable the next billion users of web3 to protect their privacy, make their lives easier.

With HomeAssure, buyers can wait until transactions are ready to complete, to share their documents.

Sellers agents can ensure the documents provided come from reputable sources, and engage with buyers faster, knowing they have a pre-approval and KYC check from a reputable source.

How it's Made

We used the Ethereum Attestation Service to produce attestations.

Our attestation schemas are deployed on OP mainnet, OP Goerli, Base Goerli, and Zora Testnet.

We enabled web3 connectivity via wagmi library, and integrated Metamask and WalletConnect connectors.

We have leveraged the existing GraphQL indexer in order to surface data across chains and make data discoverability zero effort for the user.

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