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A Decentralized Music Streaming Platform | HolymolyPlayer - Listen Music Anywhere


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Project Description

HolymolyPlayer is an ethereum based decentralized music streaming platform. It allows user to upload their music which will be then available for streaming on the platform. While uploding music, the user is asked for the music title, music file , music thumbnail and the price for the music. Music file and thumbnail image will be stored on IPFS. So all the music uploaded by different users will be available on the platform to be streamed. Anyone can play the music, like it and even buy it paying the amount specified by the uploader while uploading the music. Beside there is a search page where one can search for music by the music title. There is separate sections to see liked music, bought music and uploaded music

How it's Made

This project is built using hardhat and ethers.js. Solidity programming language is used to creating smart contract. The Smart Contract is then deployed on testnet Sepolia. For frontend NextJS is used. For styling the frontend design Tailwind Css is used. Besides IPFS is used to store music file and thumbnail image.

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