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hIVM: Hybrid Intent Virtual Machine

Integrate Intent Instantly: where sophistication meets simplicity

hIVM: Hybrid Intent Virtual Machine

Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Winner of

ETHGlobal - 🏆 ETHIndia 2023 Finalist

Project Description

hIVM addresses a critical challenge in the current landscape of intent-based solutions in decentralized applications (DApps). Presently, developers are faced with two distinct approaches: highly complex, all-encompassing generic networks like Anoma, and specialized, use-case-specific models such as UniswapX and CowSwap. This dichotomy forces developers to choose between the flexibility of a generic approach and the simplicity of a specialized solution, often at the expense of efficiency and ease of integration. hIVM introduces a groundbreaking solution that harmonizes these two paradigms. By offering a Domain Specific Language (DSL), it allows developers to maintain a level of declarative programming, specifying what needs to be done without getting entangled in the how. At the same time, hIVM empowers them to outline a high-level, imperative flow for their applications. This unique combination facilitates the creation of DApps that are both flexible in their design and efficient in their operation. Furthermore, hIVM significantly simplifies the development process by eliminating the need for manual integration of individual services. Developers can now focus on the broader logic and flow of their applications, leaving the specifics of operation execution, such as SWAP and BRIDGE, to be handled seamlessly by hIVM’s sophisticated infrastructure. This not only speeds up the development cycle but also ensures a more robust and cohesive end product, enabling developers to bring their innovative ideas to fruition with greater ease and effectiveness.


How it's Made

Integration of Multiple Services: One of the primary challenges we faced was integrating various external services, such as 1inch for token swaps and Socket for bridging. This integration was particularly demanding due to our initial unfamiliarity with these services. It required a deep dive into their APIs and operational nuances to ensure seamless incorporation into hIVM’s framework. This was a critical step in achieving the versatility we desired for hIVM, allowing it to handle a wide range of operations efficiently. Balancing Imperative and Declarative Structures: Achieving the right equilibrium between imperative and declarative programming structures was another significant hurdle. We aimed to give developers the freedom to define high-level workflows (imperative programming) while also leveraging the power of declaring what the program should accomplish without detailing how (declarative programming). Striking this balance was essential to maintain hIVM’s usability and flexibility, ensuring that it caters to a variety of development styles and needs. Network Centralization Concerns: Currently, hIVM operates with a certain degree of centralization, which poses a challenge for the long-term vision of creating a fully decentralized platform. The journey towards decentralization involves complex considerations around governance, scalability, and security. We are actively exploring avenues to gradually transition hIVM into a more decentralized framework while maintaining its operational integrity and performance. This remains an ongoing endeavor, critical for aligning hIVM with the ethos of decentralized systems.

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