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Today’s freelance platforms such as Upwork are becoming riddled with bots.


Created At

ETHGlobal Sydney

Winner of

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Some articles that gave the inspiration:

By leveraging World ID’s proof of personhood, we can leverage two methods to mitigate the number of botted users: World ID Sign in & Incognito actions. World ID Sign in ensures that each user that signs up to the Hivework freelance platform are unique and human. As for job postings and listings, we can use incognito actions to ask t≠he client each time they make a job listing to verify that they are a human whereas each time a freelancer makes a proposal, an incognito action can be used as human verification.

How it's Made

Hivework aimed to use a Next.js 14 frontend, shad-cn ui library and Azure Functions for serverless functions in the backend to call smart contracts using Viem. I used Vercel to deploy the app, but likely would shift to Azure infrastructure for scale in the future. The Smart Contracts were planned to be custom to facilitate the holding of the created job listings on-chain then smart contract functions to ensure the settlement after a job listing has been completed. There’s also a contract to execute the World ID verification on-chain (TBC) deployed on base sepolia. For sign in, I used auth0 with the WorldID plugin for authentication. Please note, due to time constraints, there limits to how much each portion could be developed and most of the data on the frontend is mocked.

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