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HireAMate lets project builders hire developers to make their project happen.


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Project Description

HireAMate is a web3 servicing portal that puts in connection people that want to build their ideas with developers that have the necessary expertise to make them happen. After having logged-in with one of the multiple options given by Safe's Auth Kit, both the project builder and the developer see what available job offers are on HireAmate. As a project builder, you can submit a job offer by inputting all the fields such as job description and expiry date, whenever a developer takes upon the task the job offer is removed from the available listing. The project builder is notified that his task is taking care of thanks to us fetching a dedicating mapping in our smart contract displayed to him. The project builder is also notified thanks to Push notifications API.

How it's Made

The project was initially built to appeal both web3 and web2 enthusiasts. Hence with that in mind this project builts upon the Safe's Auth Kit that leverages traditional social credentials such as Gmail to log in. Moreover, thanks to web3Auth a public key is automatically generated to them, meaning they can interact with web3 protocols without them even knowing about it. Of course, usual wallet connect is also enabled. Whenever inside the web app, a listing of available jobs is displayed to all users, clients can create a job offer by filling in all required fields : job title, job description, expiry date, price, and relevant links. Once done, the job pops up in the available jobs feed. Developers on their hand can choose to which job to apply. When applied, they enter into a mapping that links them with the job Id relevant to the client requesting it, making it a double mapping and allowing easy retrievals of relationships across the Web App. Once successfully applied, the client gets informed of it through the Push notifications API. All the fields relating to the job offer, the client and the job taker are on-chain and linked through a smart contract.

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