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Think of all the side projects you have worked on and maybe put it to the side or never finished because of a technical snag or a frustrating bug. HelpMeDev is a global & decentralized ecosystem where developers can help developers finish their side projects and side hustles.


Created At

ETHOnline 2021

Winner of

SKALE Denali Prize

Project Description

Think of all the side projects you have worked on and maybe put it to the side or never finished because of a technical snag or a frustrating bug. What if you could put out contracts to an ecosystem of other developers to help you finish your project or feature for you. HelpMeDev is a gitcoin for personal projects (i.e. creating contracts so you can pay developers to help you finish your side project, startup, dream app, etc.)

How it's Made

HelpMeDev is a serverless React application running on Netlify where users need only a Metamask wallet or email address and password. For authentication and authorization of the app, the app leverages Moralis which also runs several serverless cloud functions and hooks into a database for user management and metadata. In terms of blockchain applications, the app leverages a Rinkeby testnet and Ethereum mainnet endpoint from Alchemy, OpenZeppelin for ERC-721 token functionality. The app runs serverlessly thanks to React/NodeJS pairing and further is supported by Alchemy for Rinkeby and Mainnet endpoints, as well as Skale's IMA-SDK bridge for elastic side chain connectivity for smart contract deployment.

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