"Haru's Hut" is a cozy and friendly DAO for beginners in Web3 and people that don't know (yet) about DAOs, but want to take their first steps. Safe and sound and free forever on Mumbai testnet!
Web3 technologies and applications can be overwhelming and intimidating for people new to the field. "Haru's Hut" is a cozy and friendly DAO for beginners in Web3 and people that don't know (yet) about DAOs, but want to take their first steps. It's intentionally built on testnet, so that members can mint, vote, and do proposals without being involved with any real money. It's a playground and safe space and encourages people to get to know DAOs with educational, motivational, and easy-to-understand introductory texts and descriptions.
The project uses OpenZeppelins ERC721 and ERC20 smart contract implementations for realizing the membership NFT and community token issuing and minting. (The votes & proposals part could not be built in time for the hackathon). The membership NFT and metadata are stored with @IPFS and @Filecoin via Fleek in a decentralized way. For performance reasons, the project is built on @Polygon's testnet Mumbai. The React frontend especially was built with the intention to use state-of-the-art Web3 frontend technologies like rainbowkit and wagmi.sh, successfully deployed and shipped via @Spheron.