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Hard Habits

Hard habits is an app that helps you be a better person in quite a drastic way. Pick your goal, stake some money and either lose it if you fail or get some more if other people fail. Also available with friends.

Hard Habits

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Winner of

🏊 Mode — Prize Pool

Project Description

Our idea was taken from web2 world. We noticed an app that is helping people achieving their goals by letting them stake some money and they will only get it back if they finish their task on time. The only problem is that in web2 world the company that is hosting this app takes all the money. So we took that idea and brought it to web3. Now everyone can use this methodology to stick with their habits. And with a little bit of discipline they can even earn money.

How it's Made

The core idea of this project is based on ethereum attestation service. Our contracts is creating attestations about users actions. First user will join a pool and pick a goal. Our contract will store that onchain with the attestation. Then depending if user will complete the goal they can either upload a proof and get their money back with some rewards or anyone can burn their shares after time passed. All of it is fully permissionless and we are not taking any fees from it. All of the money that users will lose if they don't fulfil their goals will be distributed between users than finished theirs.

Why does it need to be on superchain? We need microtransactions. Most users will stake 5-10 usd or even less. On ETH mainnet fees would be usually higher than the money staked so it wouldn't make any sense. On superchain users can't compete with each other, sending several transactions without worrying that much about the costs.

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