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A blockchain-based verified video review platform for food lovers, rewarding real reviews by real people.


Created At

ETHGlobal Singapore

Winner of

Flow - Most Killer App Potential 2nd place

Worldcoin - Pool Prize

Prize Pool

Project Description

Hanseek is a blockchain-based video review platform that restores trust in restaurant recommendations. Reviewers are verified with World ID, ensuring that only real people can post reviews. Reviews are stored on Flow’s blockchain, ensuring transparency and preventing tampering, while Dynamic enables seamless onboarding so users can easily engage in the real world.

Demo Video: (this is the real demo video, last project's video misuploaded in "media upload)

Users can browse short video reviews, book restaurants directly, and trust the recommendations they see. Creators earn rewards when users visit a restaurant based on their reviews, and restaurants attract more customers through verified, trusted feedback.

How it's Made

We built Hanseek with a consumer experience-first mindset, using technology that ensures anyone can use it with ease in real-world scenarios. Our goal is to make the platform accessible, even for users unfamiliar with blockchain.

Dynamic integration simplifies wallet creation, allowing users to sign up with social login and automatically generate a Flow wallet, removing barriers to entry. We use World ID to verify that each review is from a real person, ensuring the authenticity of every review. Reviews are stored on Flow’s blockchain, guaranteeing transparency and security. Restaurant bookings and payments are processed through Flow’s smart contracts, providing a smooth and familiar experience for all users, regardless of their Web3 knowledge.

[Demo Video]

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