Hacsy Markets is an onchain prediction market based on mints on onchain spot price, that enables a wider reach of resources to 2nd degree wallets enabled by an offchain mixer
Problem: Untapped wisdom, health, and paretopian capital within existing minting and onchain spot price movements.
Solution: Worldcoin based unique identity solution, that uses prediction markets, with added benefit of a 2nd degree of capital accumulation through a off-chain mixer.
Why: Look below the surface of the water and provide help to existing distribution of memes, that enables additional sources of liquidity accumulation based marketing
It uses a react frontend, and enable users to use evm wallets that would be unique in the sense of using worldcoin IDs. It also enables a mixer of distrubting funds to saved secondary wallet addresses, where the inputted amounts of funds are done in block sized amounts, and market makers aggregate 1271 signatures to put onchain doing so asynchronously.