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Hackerboard is a hackathon dashboard intended to be used during Eth Global New York. It lets teams create & trade social tokens, get information and trade prediction markets on the outcome of their team


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

Hackerboard has 3 main aspects, a hackathon information page for Eth Global New York

Hackathon Information Page - Hackerboard contains vital hackathon information like hackathon schedule and countdown to submission time, and information about other teams such as project description and which bounty sponsors they are targeting.

Prediction Market - A dApp where users can bet on whether or not teams will be successful, after reading information about their project

Social connections- Team members discords, are aggregated in a the dashboard to allow for interoperability during the contest.

Social tokens: each team can create a hackathon team token on gnosis chain that represents the value of the project. The Honor code is to deposit your winnings to be distributed to token holders. If you want to keep your portion in the native prize tokens, you can burn your hackerboard tokens. The tokens can be added and traded on Honeyswap, and teams can trade in each other.

How it's Made

Hackerboard is built from the ground up using HTML/CSS/Javascript. All data is stored in solidity contracts on gnosis chain. Smart contracts are in Solidity.

We deployed all our contracts on Gnosis chain. Each team can mint their token, and we let them easily add liquidity and trade. We pull token prices from Honeyswap to list the price and marketcap of each token.

Gnosis chain made it very easy to test in production thanks to the cheap fees. We did not even have to use a testnet.

We also built a parallel version of the smart contract on starknet, using the Cairo language.

Our platform encourages hacker teams interact with each other, and incentives teams to help each other out, and share in each others prizes.

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