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Daily Habits Social dApp: Cultivate positive routines, track your journey, and earn exclusive NFT rewards for your achievements! 🌟 Embrace progress and celebrate success with our innovative social habit-tracking platform. #DailyHabits #NFTs


Created At

ETHGlobal Istanbul

Winner of

CELO - Best Mobile dApp on Celo

Project Description

HABITS is a decentralized social daily tracking app that allows users to publicly or personally commit to tasks, monitor their progress, and receive rewards as they make strides in maintaining their chosen challenges. This weekend, we'll be focusing on three habits using our daily tracker:

  • Daily Workout: Share a photo of your workout to inspire and connect with friends.
  • Daily Savings: Contribute to a digital piggy bank within HABITS.
  • Flow State: Upload photos, videos, or files to showcase what you're working on.

All challenges align with users' training, financial, work, study goals, etc. For each completed task, HABITS awards an initial NFT daily. Every uninterrupted 21-day streak results in a level-up with a new NFT, displayed in your trophy case. Beyond tracking your own habits, explore and support the progress of users worldwide or your friends, fostering motivation and community building.

How it's Made

  • Built using NextJS, RainbowKit, Hardhat, Wagmi, Typescript.
  • Runs on CELO Network, optimized for MiniPay Wallet in Opera Browser
  • Leveraging Lens Protocol Social feeds
  • Data Sovereign: IPFS + Filecoin for storage

This consumer product is intended to be interoperable so has all the connections to use in every browser, connecting with any Wallet but when opened in the MiniPay Wallet (Opera Browser) Abstracts the wallet component to have a cleaner UX. Users are intended to use this app daily, so the interface is pretty simple, making them complete 3 tasks and getting a token for each. They then can swap their tokens for a bigger token, signaling they completed several times in a row a habit so formed a habit, and show it in a Lens Publication. There's a feed when you can see what people are trying to keep motivated, and in the future users will join and create challenges at will. To get the savings component, they are constantly depositing into a SC, and when they are satisfied or in need they can Withdraw it.

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