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Your Face, Your Key – Seamless Web3 Wallet Security


Created At

ETHIndia 2023

Project Description

So, imagine this: you're diving into the exciting world of digital currencies, but you're stuck with those clunky passwords and complicated keys. Not exactly a fun start, right? That's where Guvenli swoops in to make everything smoother and safer.

The Problem Guvenli Solves:

Ever worried about forgetting passwords or losing those secret Super Secure Money Management: Guvenli turns your digital wallet into a fortress. Only you, with your awesome face, can get in. It's like having a bouncer for your money but way friendlier!

Quick and Easy Transactions: Sending money or making purchases? Just flash a smile, and you're good to go. No more typing in long strings of characters or worrying about someone sneaking into your wallet.

Creating Your Wallet is a Breeze: Setting up a wallet can be a headache, right? Not with Guvenli! Just snap a quick pic of yourself, and voila – you've got a secure wallet without the usual fuss.

Access Anywhere, Anytime: Need to check your wallet on your phone, tablet, or computer? Guvenli's got your back on all devices. Your face is your universal access pass!

Why Guvenli is Your BFF in Security and Convenience:

Your Face is Your Superpower: No one else has a face quite like yours. Guvenli recognizes that and lets only you into your wallet. It's like having a superpower for your finances!

Easy-Peasy User Experience: We hate complicated stuff. Guvenli makes everything a breeze – from setting up your wallet to sending money. It's like having a personal assistant for your digital life.

Futuristic Tech at Your Fingertips: Guvenli is like the cool kid in class, always up-to-date with the latest tech trends. With Web3 magic, it's your ticket to the future of digital finance. Trust us, you'll feel like a tech wizard!

So there you have it – Guvenli, your friendly guide to a hassle-free and secure journey into the world of digital wallets. Because handling money should be fun, right? Cheers to easier and safer adventures in the crypto realm!


How it's Made

  • We encountered a significant challenge while integrating Face Recognition and the Custom Wallet, as it was quite challenging for us to harmonize both components and make them work together.
  • We chose the OpenCV library for face recognition because linking it with Next.js turned out to be a bit tricky for us.
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