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World Coin and Airstack used to make a social media app for NFT lovers.


Created At

ETHGlobal New York

Project Description

This project uses World Coin to authenticate a user into our social media system. Instead of just using the normal sign in, users are only permitted to use one account, as to make everything more transparent and reduce bots and phishing accounts. The project also uses Airstack to query data on the token Id, token address, transactions and more associated with a singular NFT or NFT collection.

How it's Made

Use world Coin ID and other things. We built this project using many things. Started on github and imported many classes and java script files. Ending in a few html files connecting with backend of Airstack. Airstack was hard to use at the beginning. We had to ask a lot of questions about using the query, but once you get used to it, the query was a great tool and pretty straightforward to understand. World Coin had a bit pof difficulty due to the API being in different coding languages we weren't used to, and so we had to use a lot of chat gpt queries to fully understand some of the code.

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